Tuesday, June 24, 2008

5 Hour Surf Session and then some....

I had an incredible surf session last Thursday at what used to be a "secret spot" which made me realize I need to surf that spot a bit more before it is not so secret any more. I surfed with Holly Beck, www.hollybecksurfs.blogspot.com, which a bonus not just for her beauty and smooth style in the barrel but also because of the great vibe and positive energy she has. I was also officially working as I was with my business partner John Goldenberg, www.c21popoyo.com, and New Marina office manager, Kristin Wilson, www.c21beachfront.com, and it stayed offshore until at least noon; when my arms stopped working. This was rare as we were in Northern Nicaragua where it does not always stay offshore all day long. After a big lunch at my friends 3,500 acre cattle ranch where we stayed we were on the road.....a few emails on the iPhone and some phone calls and I had my driver pull over and I hopped on my Mtn Bike for about 1.5 hours of 'heat training' to get in shape to race with the Century 21 Gold Coast Realty Mtn Bike Team, www.c21sanjuan.com/pages/in_the_community.html. After that it was dinner on the road and then crossing the border to Costa Rica to meet with some clients to bring back to Nicaragua....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I really enjoyed reading your blog. In fact for the past few months I have used the internet to learn a lot about real estate. I bought my first home a few months ago and I took advise of my agent and hired http://www.homeinspectionspecialist.com to do the inspection.. They help me find out things about the house I probably would have never known, and I used their report to negotiate more than 14 thousand off the asking price. Anyways, I look forward to all the updates. Thanks again.
